Headaches and Migraines

As structural and neurologically based chiropractors, headaches and migraines are a common reason people visit Ahava Chiropractic.
It is extremely common not just in the Upland community, but across the entire globe. According to the World Health Organization, it’s estimated that about 50% of the population suffer from headache disorders. Of those, 30% have dealt with migraine headaches.
Many would think that headaches affect adults only. However, the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin noted that at least 40% of children have experienced headaches by the age of 7.
Headaches and migraines have been known to affect the quality of living:
- Work
- School
- Mood
- Relationships
- Leisure
3 Possible Causes of Headaches
Neurological Interference
There are nerves that branch from the neck around to the skull. These nerves can be irritated and inflamed due to injuries of the spine. As neurologically based chiropractors, we work on finding where these areas of the spine are located. Once we identify the problem, we work on fixing it. It is because of our unique approach in assessing the spine, we have been able to see a high rate of relief in headache patients.
Structural Problems
The spine is a crucial part of our body. Unfortunately, when we damage the structure, it can affect many different areas. One of the major protective mechanisms that help stabilize the spine are the muscles. Because of this, when the spine is injured the muscles can spasm and become tense. This can lead to tension headaches and or temporal headaches
Chemical Imbalances
Your body uses hormones to achieve certain functions. They act as little messengers in on part of the body, and signal the body to either perform or stop certain activities. Headaches can occur when there is either too much or too little of the important hormones being produced. According to the Mayo Clinic, drops in estrogen levels can significantly impact the body. It has been shown to increase the severity of headaches. Our goal is to help improve the overall health and function of the body with neurologically based chiropractic care.