
Our Approach

The Gonstead Technique is focused on getting to the root cause.

Often times patients may experience pain in one area of the body, but the source of the problem may be from another. It is common to see things like neck pain, back pain, headaches, sciatica, carpal tunnel, and many other complaints come from places other than where you feel pain.

Imagine, for example, a house having foundation issues. Once it begins to unlevel, you will likely start to see issues from the bottom to TOP. There might be cracks in the walls or issues in the roof. One might think it would be a good idea to fix the most visible problems, but the foundation would be the root cause.

In the same way, the Gonstead method seeks to identify where the main cause of your problem is and fix it.

This is accomplished through a 5 step approach:

Symptomatology / History

It is important to gather information regarding what you are experiencing. Understanding things like where you are feeling it, what aggravates the pain or makes it feel better, what time of day you experience, and other factors helps us to narrow down the likely cause.


Observing the body of the patient can help give insight to the problem. We analyze things like posture, shoulder unleveling, asymmetry of the muscles, gait analysis, and much more.

Radiologic Imaging

Radiographs help us get the complete picture of what is going on. It gives us insight to the health of the spine, abnormal alignment, and insight on how to correct the issue. Gonstead chiropractic utilizes an extremely detailed analysis of the xrays. With our detailed analysis, along with the collaboration of the other steps, we are able to narrow down the primary suspect of your aches and pains.


Due to the nature of the healing process, once you damage areas of the body an inflammatory response occurs. This involves many factors. Possible reddening of the area, pain, swelling, and heat may occur. We utilize state of the art technology to help us to assess where areas of the spine can be damaged and affected.


Touching the spine for swelling, edema, and tenderness can help narrow down problems in the spine. Feeling for restrictions of the joints through motion palpation can help find dysfunctional joints.

Symptomatology / History

It is important to gather information regarding what you are experiencing. Understanding things like where you are feeling it, what aggravates the pain or makes it feel better, what time of day you experience, and other factors helps us to narrow down the likely cause.


Due to the nature of the healing process, once you damage areas of the body an inflammatory response occurs. This involves many factors. Possible reddening of the area, pain, swelling, and heat may occur. We utilize state of the art technology to help us to assess where areas of the spine can be damaged and affected.


Observing the body of the patient can help give insight to the problem. We analyze things like posture, shoulder unleveling, asymmetry of the muscles, gait analysis, and much more.


Touching the spine for swelling, edema, and tenderness can help narrow down problems in the spine. Feeling for restrictions of the joints through motion palpation can help find dysfunctional joints.

Radiologic Imaging

Radiographs help us get the complete picture of what is going on. It gives us insight to the health of the spine, abnormal alignment, and insight on how to correct the issue. Gonstead chiropractic utilizes an extremely detailed analysis of the xrays. With our detailed analysis, along with the collaboration of the other steps, we are able to narrow down the primary suspect of your aches and pains.
By themselves, each step is limited in the amount of information it gives. Nothing is ever 100 percent effective. This is why in the Gonstead approach, we utilize 5 different components in order to identify the issue.