
It can be a challenge to get motivated to workout.


The struggle is real. The first thing to understand is that you are not alone. Many people find it difficult 1) get motivated and 2) stay motivated. 


Motivation stems from neurochemicals like Dopamine being released in the brain. Some people naturally have more and some have less.


However, here are 5 Tips to get you motivated to workout:

1) Set yourself up for success

Many have heard the saying “Fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This is true. If you are relying on spur of the moment motivation, you’ll often find yourself disappointed. You might be able to find small wins here and there. But in the long run, you’ll find yourself making poor choices. So the first step is making a plan in advance.

Plan out what you are going to eat. Make a plan for your workouts. Schedule days to exercise or meal prep with your friends. Put it on the schedule, and treat it like a “doctors appointment.” You are not likely going to cancel an appointment, but you are very likely to ignore a thought. Put it on your calendar.

2) Get a coach or trainer

Some people need someone to hold them accountable and get them motivated to workout. Coaches can create plans, schedules, and ideas to help you reach your goals. You can find coaches everywhere. There are many personal trainers at the gym, health and wellness coaches online, and possibly friends and family members that could help you as well. 

There are coaches that offer their services for free online or non-profit organizations. Or you can invest in a personal trainer or health coach to give you an individual plan. You have options. It just depends on what you need, and what you can afford.

3) The 5 Second Rule

Mel Robbins is a television host, author and a motivational speaker. She is well known for her rule that she came up called The 5 Second Rule. I recommend you checking it out. 

In summary, are brains are designed to protect us. When we are fearful, stressed, or feeling overwhelmed, our brain goes into retreat or flight mode. This means that we choose to run the opposite direction. The same thing can occur when we come with an uncomfortable decision to exercise, eat healthy, make a career or relationship move. Within 5 seconds, our brain talks us out of it. Utilizing her advice, she recommends counting backwards from 5 and doing the things you know you should do once you reach 1.  Psychologically, this pattern interrupts your brain, and it keeps you from talking yourself out of it. I recommend you checking it out and trying it!

4) Create An Environment For Success

If we can create an environment for success, it will be easier for us to achieve our goals. What do I mean? For example, if you are going to exercise in the morning, you can sleep in your gym clothes or have them by your bed. You can have your tennis shoes right next to your bed so that you put them on as soon as you wake up. You don’t put your alarm clock so close for you to push the snooze button.

This is also true for diet. Don’t keep chips or cookies in the house. Take the jar of candy off of your desk. Keep healthy snacks with you at all times. Prep your meals in advance so you always have food ready.

Often times, we fail before we even start. If put ourselves in environments where there is temptation at every corner, it is easier for us to give in to poor decisions. Instead, create an environment that will give you the best opportunity to make healthier choices.

5) Know And Remember Your Why

It is great to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed Goals). This will help you to know what you are striving to achieve. However, the more important aspect to your goal is the REASON WHY you want to achieve your goal. 

Think about WHY you want to lose weight: Is it to have more energy to play with your kids/grandkids? Is it to feel more confident? Is it to help you live a better quality life?

Why do you want to eat healthier? Why do you want to go to the gym? Why…why…why? 

Keep asking yourself why? When you can discover the REAL reason you want to achieve your goal, it will help you to stay consistent and persistent when you feel like giving up. It will help you to endure when you want to throw in the towel. Knowing your WHY will help you reach your goal.


I hoped this helps you to get motivated to workout and gives you hope that you can reach your health goal. You will face challenges and struggles. But if you can use these 5 tips to help you get motivated to workout, you’ll find yourself reaching your goals soon enough.
If you need more tips on how to health is not complicated, check out our other blog posts.