Happy Mother’s Day !

Happy Mother’s Day !

Happy Mother’s Day from Ahava  Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms out there! Being a mom has to be one of the most underpaid and underappreciated jobs there is. Thank you for all of the important work you do everyday. My 5 older siblings and I have the...

5 Apps to Stop the Boredom

5 Apps to Stop Boredom As we respect officials request to stay home, we thought we would help by creating a list of our favorite apps.  Many of us have reached a new level of boredom, and crave to have some form of interaction with others. Here are 5 apps to not only...
Health Is Not Complicated

Health Is Not Complicated

Stop Making Health So Complicated Health is not complicated.⁣⁣Unfortunately, too many people make it to be much more difficult than it is.⁣⁣There are so many different health fads that require you to make drastic changes in your life.⁣⁣Ok, let me take a moment to say...
Stop Making Excuses

Stop Making Excuses

Stop Making Excuses I have to confess something…I make EXCUSES all the time. 🤦‍♂️And sometimes the first step to making a change in our health and life is to admit it to ourselves. I’ve made every excuse in the book: Not enough money Not enough time Not...