Stop Making Excuses

I have to confess something…

I make EXCUSES all the time. 🤦‍♂️

And sometimes the first step to making a change in our health and life is to admit it to ourselves.

I’ve made every excuse in the book:

  • Not enough money
  • Not enough time
  • Not enough knowledge
  • Not enough motivation
  • Not enough (fill in the blank)⁣

This might sound familiar to you. In fact, Psychology Today notes that about 20 percent of people are chronic procrastinators.

What does that mean? You are not alone.

So, today is just a wake up call. We could all use some extra motivation. Because of that, I made this video for you. I am in hope that this might give you that extra nudge to finally start doing what you’ve been wanting to do all along.

However, I will be honest. The best motivation comes from within. If you can learn to motivate yourself everyday, you can get up each morning and conquer the day.

In my next blog, I will teach you 5 tips on how to Get Motivated To Workout!

In the mean time, consider this…

If you don’t have the money, look for free opportunities. There’s an abundance of free programs, apps, and classes for you to learn.

If you don’t have the time, start small. Squeeze in 10 minutes a day. Exercise while you’re watching television. Instead of watching the football game, gather your friends to go for a hike.

There are so many opportunities to get healthy. The first step is to stop making excuses and finally take action!

Check out our blog post for a list of examples to help make health easy.